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Animal Welfare & Behavior Club
A pro-agriculture student organization at Texas A&M University
Distinguished Membership
Distinguished members will have their names sent to Texas A&M's College of Veterinary Medicine, the Department of Animal Science, and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Their names will also be published on this page!
In order to qualify as a distinguished member, the following requirements must be met first:
Semester dues paid by the deadline
Have a total of 10 points by the end of the semester
Graduating as Distinguished
Members with the distinguished status are eligible for receiving a graduation cord.
For more information, please message Samantha Wright!
Distinguished Members
Fall 2023
Mayela Alvarado
Kylee Taylor
Kennedy Wilcox
Sam Wright
Erin Folliard
Colby Marek
Jacob Gordon
Kaitlyn Vo
Jessica Rivera
Mia Leboeuf
Spring 2023
Abby Hill
Alissa Herring
Anthony Greenwood
Ashley Griffin
Audrey Roberts
Cole Heger
Edith Romero
Erin Folliard
Jessica Rivera
Kaitlyn Vo
Kristen Smith
Kylee Taylor
Kylie Catchings
Mia LeBoeuf
Michael Lee
River Hatton
Sam Wright
Sophia Terez
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